Admission Process

Applications are called between May and August every year

Guiding Steps College is an educational school proud to welcome students having differentiated learning abilities to enroll into a foundation that will take responsibility to guide their steps on a learning journey preparing them for the future with the knowledge and skills to do certain jobs that may not really exist as yet.

Applications seeking admissions to the Pre-school Education System are open throughout the year. Admission of the 2+ age group is accepted to Play Group, 3+ age group to Upper Play Group and 4+ age group to Nursery. Successful applicants will be admitted into their respective Grades after a week’s orientation period. Students completing their early childhood education may opt to leave school at the end of the period or opt to continue their Primary Education falling under the Pearson Edexcel Qualification System.

Students opting to follow the Edexcel Curriculum will commence the first term in their respective Grades in September each and every year and will make progress to higher Grades annually thereafter.

An Application Seeking Admission to Guiding Steps College can be obtained from the schools’ Registrar or can be downloaded by Clicking Here

A brief guide of the Admission Process for Enrolment is given below.

Parental Inquiry → Completing and Returning Application Form → Parents and Student Meeting the Admission Interview Board → Letter Sent to Parents Offering Placement → Acceptance of Offer by Returning the Enrolment Confirmation Form → Dispatch of Information Pertaining to Enrolment Prior to Registration → Registration → Commencement